Lutheranism's appeal reached out to everyone in society, from prince to serf and everything in between. It allowed them a new choice in religious terms, it allowed them more access to their religion and to get closer to what was being said. Luther made an explicitly "nationalist" argument, highlighting charges that the corrupt Church administration looked upon the German people not as a flock to be saved, as subjects to be exploited.
Princes who converted to Lutheranism were allowed to have or control more land. Most of whom ruled territories in Northern Germany. Lutheranism allowed princes to shut down monasteries and seize their land and wealth. By converting to Lutheranism princes will be richer, they will have more wealth, and more power.
German princes could assert absolute sovereignty over their own territories. (In this, as in many other aspects of cultural and social life, the Reformation broke down the hierarchical relations that had characterized Medieval life. They are free of political control. Following Lutheranism would allow princes to appoint their own ministers, freeing them from constant power struggles with the local bishops. Government will be greater than church.
No longer, Princes had to divert revenues as tributes to Rome, Princes did not have to enforce various ecclesiastical dues on their subjects (which meant that they themselves could squeeze more taxes out of their subjects). That means that Princes can collect, they will get richer.
Luther's message is that the catholic is wrong. Contradicted basic catholic beliefs, insisted God's grace cannot be won by good works; faith alone needed. Jesus is the only head of the church, not pope. Selling indulgences is sinful, and it had no power to remit sin. Luther translated the Bible in German, so more people can read the Bible without aid to clergy. A lot of people converted to Lutheranism so they can save their souls.
Luther's arguments helped to support the power of the princes because Luther argued that Christians must "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's"—meaning that God expects Christians to obey their princes absolutely, no matter how tyrannical their rule. So people have to pay the rent. Lutheranism began in Germany, but quickly spread to Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.
70/100 - You have done an excellent job of selecting information for your answer. However I have knocked you down a grade for not using your own words. Also you need to work on using a conclusion to summarise your argument.
ReplyDeleteT - work on writing in your own words.